The priest who offers the Saturday morning Mass I regularly attend has been preaching for some weeks his belief that we are in the end times. According to Father Gene, we are at the foothills of the great trial many of us Catholics anticipate. He said he is finding it increasingly difficult to offer words of hope to those experiencing economic ruin. The only thing we can do at this point he says is stay close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I agree with him.
Father cited the speed with which events are happening as indicators that we are in for some very difficult times. I try to make it a habit to pray for those about to die each day, either suddenly or from illness. One minute you're kicking around a ball in the beach with your pals and the next, you are gone, your young life stolen by a trigger-happy apartheid government. One minute you're on a jet, flying to a conference with other researchers committed to ending HIV, the next you're gone, your life and promise stolen by thugs funded by a former KGB agent who can't change his stripes.
Meanwhile, the Folly of the Neo-cons who thought a war in Iraq was a good idea is manifesting itself in a group called Isis, who have a penchant for crucifixion. There has been no mention of this in the media but I have heard about it in at least 2 homilies this past week.
I saw on the news today that the bodies of the dead are being held for ransom by the terrorists who shot down their plane. Over 100 Palestinians lost their lives today. The Israeli propaganda machine was hard at work spinning its usual lies on the Sunday talk shows. Repeating the same garbage does not lend truth where none existed in the first place.
Despite what the "death to all Arabs" crowd believes, not all Palestinians are Muslim. Israeli bombs do not differentiate between Muslims and Christians, just as they don't discriminate against women and children. The extremists who burned a Palestinian teenager while he was still alive are becoming more of the norm in Israel. Moderates are realizing there is no longer a place for them.
The death toll in Gaza has already surpassed that of the plane crash. And incidentall it is reported that pro-Russia separatists didn't mean to target a passenger jet but mistakenly thought they were aiming for a military jet. As if that excuses their wanton disregard for life. How about they don't shoot anything down that will result in the loss of human life.
At any rate, please pray for all the innocent life taken this week and offer your Rosary that the suffering of the oppressed everywhere will be eased.
I saw a very fitting quote today. We are not all guilty, but we are all responsible.
NOTE: Thanks to all for your prayers. My mother, thank God, does not have a serious illness. Just a painful rheumatoid condition that will take some time to get under control. In your charity, please pray for my youngest. We were at the cardiologist on Friday and while it is not immediately going to happen, surgery is inevitable. We're hoping we can get through the school year without having to get it done. Thanks and God bless you.
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