Saturday, February 9, 2013

Prayer of Thanksgiving and a Plea for Protection and Mercy

There is much to be thankful for but the pleas for help never stop coming.  

Almighty God, thank you for hearing the prayers we offered on behalf of your faithful servant Maria.  Thank you for bringing her back to good health and making it possible for her to regain her place as an active member of our faith community.   Father Jim Galligan, thank you for hearing our pleas and interceding on Maria's behalf with Our Merciful Savior.

In your mercy, Lord, we ask you to grant your protection to those law enforcement officers who are searching for a killer in the mountains of California.  Command Your angels to watch over them, guide their steps and enlighten them so that they can apprehend this dangerous man and return safely to their families.  Intercede so that no harm may befall those who have sacrificed their own lives for the protection and welfare of others.  Comfort their families who must bid them farewell each day, not knowing whether or  not they will return to them safe and unharmed.  We ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, we also ask you to aid those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, who are seeking work or who must face anxiety and torment in the workplace at the hands of those who have turned a deaf ear to You.  Guide and enlighten evildoers who insist on making life unpleasant for others so that they may convert their hearts to You, Who are love and mercy itself.  Strengthen those who strive do to Your Will in the face of threats, harassment and ridicule.  We ask this through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.


  1. Thank you Joyce. :)

    I have been enjoying all your recent posts, but had a relapse of illness and couldn't form a coherent comment.

    But thank you for all your prayers.

  2. Hi Kelly, hope you've turned the corner on being sick
    We are told to pray unceasingly, and it seems like the intentions are unceasing as well. It always gives me a feeling of usefulness and purpose to pray for others and I so I appreciate when I am asked to pray for this intention or that. Sometimes, I'm not asked at all but we all know what the right thing to do is and prayer is always our first and best recourse. Feel better!


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