Thursday, April 3, 2014

Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form

Yesterday, I assisted at my first ever weekday Low Mass.  There is a beautiful parish about 6 miles from where I work that offers a TLM weekdays at 7 am. I have attended Low Mass on Sundays and feasts but these included hymns and homilies. I have to say that I was playing catch-up at times because I was lazy and didn't bring the Missal I use on Sundays.  Therefore I had to read the Epistle and Gospel later in the day.  It seemed like we spent most of the Mass kneeling. I sat way in the back so I could follow the lead of the "regulars."  It was a wonderful way to start the workday.   I went to this church on a whim (more like the urging of the Holy Spirit).  I got lost and thus arrived at 7am on the dot which I hate to do - getting to Mass at the last minute. When it happens on Sundays I don't fret so much because I'm coming directly from Adoration. Going to an unfamiliar church I would especially want to arrive on time but a little humiliation never hurts, especially during Lent.

My other "first" was 7am Mass at the Convent of Divine Love, monastery of the Pink Sisters.  I saw a few of our TLM regulars at that Mass as well.  Both Masses of course made kneeling for Holy Communion the rule and not the exception.

I have been exceedingly blessed this Lent to have such orthodox churches from which to choose. I used to get anxiety in new places but now I just remind myself that while the churches may differ, Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and always.


Yes Kathy, these are the same "Pink Sisters" that are also in Missouri. They live a contemplative life and have Perpetual Adoration.  Their chapel is open to the public 12 hours a day every day except during the Easter Triduum. 

Allison, one of these days we WILL finally meet.  If you miss Father, you should come to Mass one Sunday when he is the celebrant. 

Manny, thank you for all your comments. One of these days I will catch up with you on little Matthew's latest adventures :)   

God bless you all!

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