Monday, October 19, 2009

Pray for a Catholic Politician

Back in May, I was fortunate to be able to join Cardinal Justin Rigali and many of the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for a pilgramage to the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. On the bus trip home, little cards were handed out, each of which bore the name of a seminarian at St. Charles Seminary. The idea was for us to pray for whichever seminarian whose card we received. I was thinking of this the other day when the card fell out of my Magnificat and something occurred to me. This is the month both dedicated to the Rosary and to the protection of life from conception to natural death.

It is wonderful to pray for priests and seminarians by name. Certainly, they need our prayers for the strength, patience and guidance to see their vocation to its completion. But wouldn't it be something if all of us could pray for one of our wayward Catholic politicians in the same way we pray for priests by name? Certainly, these public figures are every bit in need of our prayers, especially those who have fallen away from their faith in the interest of garnering votes. If all of us made a sincere effort to devoutly pray at least one Rosary a week, preferably a day, for the intention of a Catholic politician who is not living his/her faith out in accordance with the Church's teachings on life - imagine the graces! Perhaps anyone who reads this blog will consider this effort and start to pray by name for Vice President Joe Biden that he may convert to a culture of life and publicly renounce any legislation that does not protect all life, especially the most innocent and vulnerable members of our society.

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