Sunday, May 29, 2011

Readers' Questions

In looking through the traffic sources, I saw a couple of questions which brought people to my blog.

When is a good time to pray a novena to St. Therese?

Any time is a good time.  I have heard of a novena that is supposed to be said before 11am but I'll be honest and say that I don't believe prayers should have time limits.  I don't know much about that novena, but I do know anytime I have offered intentions to the Little Flower, the time and the place did not matter.  Occasionally, a thought will cross my mind, and I'll say "St. Therese, if you see fit, would you ask God to grant me this favor."
And occasionally, she answers me in the affirmative and catches me completely off-guard since I tend not to look for an answer if I haven't offered a novena.

What time is Saturday Mass at the Carmelite Monastery in Philadephia?

Mass is offered in the public chapel of the monastery every Saturday and Sunday morning at 8am.  Only the side door is open and you have to go through the archway, up the steps and around to the left.

What is a good prayer to rid your house of an evil spirit?

First off, I don't think such matters should be handled by amateurs.  If you truly believe there is an evil presence in your home, best to start by having a priest bless the house and its inhabitants.  Let him advise you from there.  However, if you are simply wondering what you can do to prevent an evil presence in your home, you might pray daily the prayer that terrifies the devil - The Rosary.


  1. Here's kind of a cool St Therese story: I began a novena to her. It was the one that starts out, "Please pick me a rose..." But I left out the rose part. I thought that was a little demanding. I think, though, I didn't want to be disappointed when no rose rose showed up.
    On the eighth day of the novena, I changed my mind. I said, "You know, St Therese, if you REALLY want to send me a rose, that'd be great."
    The next day, the ninth day of the novena, was a Thursday. I'm out in the barn doing chores, and my husband comes home from work carrying a bunch of roses for me. "No occasion", he says.
    I burst into tears.
    My husband said, "Gosh, if I'd known you had wanted flowers so much I would've brought you some sooner."
    I never told him about the novena. Nearly all the novenas I pray ask for the conversion of my family. But I thought this was a good sign...

  2. She's a very powerful intercessor. She wasn't kidding when she said she would spend her Heaven doing good upon earth. And as much trust as I place in her, stories like yours still astound me, that someone thinks so much of us that despite how she must be bombarded, she doesn't forget a single one of us. Thanks for sharing Julie!


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