Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Love of Souls*

*From the Tan book "Joy in Suffering According to St. Therese of the Child Jesus"....

"St. Therese was not content to love God herself - she also desired to win much love for Him, ' to make Him greatly loved' by all men. Her Jesus was consumed by an insatiable thirst for souls, and she, being one with Him, shared the same all-consuming thirst. ' I longed at all costs to snatch souls form the eternal flames of Hell'."

"St. Therese once wrote to one of her missionary brothers: " If in Heaven I could no longer work for God's glory, I should prefer exile to home... I trust fully that I shall not remain idle in Heaven; my desire is to continue my work for the Church and for souls. I have asked this of God and am convinced He will hear my prayer."


How many of us love God only so far as it is pleasing to us to do so? When we experience aridity of prayer, we are tempted to give up. Sometimes, our human weakness causes us to see Heaven strictly in terms of something we "earned". Not St. Therese! She could only find happiness in doing God's will and winning souls for Him, even it meant "postponing" her eternal rest. "I will spend my Heaven doing good upon earth." To one who had never refused God anything, even the seemingly minimal sacrifices, nothing would be denied her. And who is the beneficiary of this generosity? We, her devoted children. Let us in grateful appreciation return the favor by doing all we can to win souls for Jesus by our emulation of St. Therese. Remember her words: "The least act of pure love is worth more for God and the Church than all other good works put together."

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