Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Happens When You Can See

In this scene from Jesus of Nazareth, the blind man resists the Lord's  desire to cure him.  Someone in the crowd jokes that the man knows if he could see, no one would give him anything any more.  The few coins he receives from the generosity of others is nothing compared to what he could earn, but it's easier this way.  Because of his blindness, he doesn't have to work or struggle like the rest of us.  His reward for begging, while meager, is enough to get by, and he is clearly satisfied with just getting by.

Blindness can be a curse of darkness, but it can also be a crutch.  When we are blind, we can blame our lack of sight for a lot of transgressions.  "I did not know that was a sin, and now that I do know, I will continue to act as though I don't."   Or, you try to argue and reason your way out of it.  "Now how can THAT be a sin?  We were only trying to have some fun."

Getting to Heaven is not easy.  Nothing worth doing is.  But look around you and if your family and circle of acquaintances is anything like mine, there are an awful lot of folks who are happy as larks to just get by.

Sometimes I am touched by those converts or reverts who, in a a moment of weakness, will long for the days when they were ignorant.  Life is a lot more fun, depending on your perspective, when you can do as you please with no worry about what state you have put your soul.  For a person who has not yet been enlightened by the Holy Spirit, it can be unnerving to discover that, now that you know better, you must change or risk the loss of eternal life.

It is a wonderful thing to have Jesus enter your life, but to some, it comes with too great a price.  I hear it all the time from people who would rather wallow in their blindness to God's Will than repent and convert.

"Life was meant to be enjoyed"

"I'm not hurting anyone, so why I can't I (fill in the blank)?"

"God wants us to be happy, and doing x, y and z makes me happy, so how it could it be wrong?"

I don't know you about you, but for me,  this life is an exile.  Those of us who pray the Rosary pray those words every day when we appeal to Mary.  Life wasn't mean to be a dreary dungeon of gloom, but it wasn't mean to be a utopia either.  Watch the people who carry on as if the opposite is true.  Is their life a utopia?  Is anyone's?

For me, there is nothing quite like making an honest and thorough examination of conscience.  Try it sometime and if you stumble across something that you didn't know was a sin, ask Jesus for the strength to admit your infirmity and be cured of it in confession.  Ask Him to give you the graces you need to bolster your resolve against that sin from now on.

It is a sin to want to remain in darkness and the price is definitely not worth it.


  1. Good message.

    There is no going back and when
    one does turn away from God it is

    Those of us who have experience in AA
    and the recovery world know that when
    we pick up our substance of choice
    again it will really be painful.

    I did not drink for 2.5 years but that
    one relapse in August was ugly!

    It's funny you use that line:

    "God wants us to be"

    A former spiritual mentor told me the
    wrong thing when he said that God was
    OK with some of my sinful actions
    if they ," made me happy".

    Despite the pleasure involved in some
    actions, they are against God's will
    and so they do not lead to happiness
    as God intended.

    A peaceful sabbath day to you,


  2. You too, Pete, thank you :)

  3. wonderful video. And your post is like the story of my life. I am so glad I can see what I can see now. I can't believe I wanted to be blind, but I did.

  4. A terrible temptation to judge others is there, too, once we "have seen the Light", yes?

  5. Maria, some of the most judgmental people I know do not acknowledge the light exists, but I can relate to what you're saying. I think it's always a temptation.

  6. Joyce--they don't acknowledge the Light because they don't yet know Him, so we pray for them, right?

  7. Maria, do you have some doubt about that?

    Absolutely, what would be the good of recognizing someone is in darkness and not praying for them! I may have more to say about this in a post about something personal.

  8. "I don't know you about you, but for me, this life is an exile."
    Makes me think of the apostle Paul in 1 Cor 5:8..
    We are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.
    But it's the love of Christ that keeps urging us on to bring the light of Christ to those in darkness.
    You do it so beautifully.


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