Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All Saints TLM at St. Paul's Philadelphia

Another attempt by Rebecca to photograph the TLM, this time for the Feast of All Saints.  We had a very good turnout and a beautiful Mass enhanced by the schola.  Tomorrow, we will observe All Souls Day with a solemn requiem Mass at 7pm.
Our Lady's Altar with the relics of the Saints

Rebecca's Missal, opened to the Mass for All Saints

At the Processional

Prayers at the foot of the altar

The censing of the priest and the altar

The Lesson 

The Gospel

The Offertory

Censing of the Gifts

The Sanctus

The elevation of the Sacred Host

Domine non sum dignus

The faithful come forward to the beautiful altar rail to receive Holy Communion 

As it should be

The recessional


  1. Wow. I'm filled with awe and envy.
    Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing this.

  2. We have nothing like this anywhere near where I live. I am so blessed by Rebecca's pictures.

  3. Joyce, you are so blessed! I can only dream of attending a beautiful TLM, and kneeling at a Communion rail.

    Around these parts, we just try to attend the Masses celebrated by the most orthodox priests.

    I am grateful for many perpetual adoration chapels though.

    Hopefully, one day, more TLM's will be available all over the country (world!)

    Meanwhile, blest are you!

    Resisting envy,
    Patricia : )

  4. Julie, Caroline and Patricia
    I certainly don't mean to cause envy but believe me, I know what it's like. I put up with some pretty shaky liturgy for a long time. I don't know what I would do without this Mass. In all honesty, I might seriously considering going to an SSPX church since I have one about 30 minutes away. I hope it doesn't come to that.

    The biggest gift of these holy days this week and all the time we spent in church was something Rebecca inadvertently revealed to me yesterday. The TLM's were in the evening. On both Tuesday and Wednesday, she went to the 7:30am Mass because she knew she'd be distracted with the camera in the evening and she didn't want the TLM to count as her only Mass, even though All Souls' Day is not a day of obligation. She is completely unfazed and unaffected and I hope she stays this way always. On both Monday and Tuesday evening before I went to bed, she asked me to wake her up when I left for work at 5:30am. When I asked why, she said she had to get to school early to rehearse for her play. I instructed my husband not to let her walk alone in the dark but didn't give it another thought. Then she innocently mentioned seeing someone we both know at the morning Mass and her little secret was out.

    Meanwhile, my son needs a stick of dynamite to wake him on Sundays for Mass and the oldest is once again in her "experimental phase" after giving a return to the faith a meager attempt. This is what especially makes Rebecca such a precious gift and I know if I feel the way, the Lord loves her even more.


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