Saturday, October 29, 2011

Eager Anticipation

I so look forward to the inception of the New Missal Translation that I've decided to celebrate a little early.  I've already started making my responses according to the new translation.  Don't get all bent out of shape. I'm doing it very discreetly.  Not like the women who can't bring themselves to refer to God as  Him and try to drown out everyone around them at Mass during the offertory.  I make my responses just loudly enough.  And in a few short weeks,  I will be able to make my responses audibly and won't be considered a disruption or attention-seeker.

Depending on where I go to Mass, I'm not always alone in making my responses that way.  I've heard a smattering of "and with your spirit" at my own parish.  I love it.

At the Saturday Vigil Mass, we've been reviewing one particular part of the new translation each week.  Our priest had us start with the easier prayers, like the Sanctus, and we are currently working our way toward the Confiteor and the Creed.  By the time the first Sunday in Advent rolls around, we'll be well on our way.

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts!

Our liberation is at hand.


  1. We now have a PRIEST who is saying God instead of Him. I hope he has been corrected since i heard that.cause I haven't been to that mass since. We'll see!

  2. I have never seen this aberration addressed by another priest or a bishop but it seems way over due. Yikes. At one point is he using God instead of Him? I might have to pass that on to someone who could do something about it. Or, do what you are doing and avoid his Mass altogether.

  3. Our parish has switched over to the new translations of music already. I love it and can't wait for the complete translation of all of the prayers. It will feel so good to focus more closely on the words we pray and what they mean. Deep and attentive prayer at Mass is so glorious!

  4. My parish has also started the musical new translation. The Gloria is possibly my favorite part of mass, and I think it's even better with the new translation! I bought a lecture course from Now You Know Media (it's a Catholic college level courses on CD, if you've never heard of it) on the new translation and now I know why each line was translated as it was. It really helped me to appreciate it. There's only one place I really don't like the new (the Confiteor) but everything else was definitely for the best.


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