Thursday, January 13, 2011

Finding Joy in Suffering

Some of the blogs I follow have mentioned the terrible flooding in Sri Lanka, Brazil and Australia with the appeal for prayers. Rightfully so. One commenter asked the question that permeated many of the psalms and that people of all beliefs continue to ask: why are good people made to suffer?

It's easy for me to respond, sitting in my heated house with running water and electricity. I don't understand why good people seem to suffer while others don't. But I am reminded of a sermon that was given by an Episcopal priest in the days after Katrina, which was right before I returned to the Catholic church. The homilist urged us to consider that every indignity suffered by the flood victims was by no means foreign to Christ in His Passion at Calvary. Our Lord suffered in a way that few of us would have survived for an hour, let alone three. So why does suffering continue to confound us?

We can look at the words of St. Therese for guidance. In the face of the heartbreaking physical and mental demise of her own dear father, she remarked that the Hand that wrought such suffering was that of Jesus, and she said that eternity would not be long enough to thank Him for it. She said she recognized His touch and wondered why her family should be singled out for such merit. Why? Because she, perhaps better than anyone, living or dead, understood the benefit of suffering. Suffering was not something to be dreaded but embraced. To think that Christ would consider any of us enough to share in His Passion can be overwhelming. Remember her words: "Suffering itself becomes a joy when we seek it as a precious treasure."

May she intercede for those who suffer that God may grant them the strength to endure.

1 comment:

  1. I will include these in my prayers at mass today.

    I certainly wish I suffered with more joy than I do. Or maybe I don't.


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