Friday, January 14, 2011

God and Suffering

A few years back, I was still in my heretical stage, traveling from one church to another, in search of something I would never be able find in the places I was seeking to find it. I remember at one particularly liberal church, I know I would not be staying long, even though I still felt some unexplained animosity to the Catholic church. "You know," the rector began, "if anything annoys me to no end, it's someone who tells me a tragedy happened because if was God's will. Why would a benevolent God allow evil?"

Even in the haze of the sin in which I was living, I could recognize the times good emerged from something seemingly evil. I think back to the horror of September 11 and the sight of the Congress singing "God Bless America" and hugging one another when, the day before, some members were ready to lynch others over something trivial.

We may never know why God permits terrible things to happen, at least not while we're serving our exile, but faith requires that we accept what He sends and that would join it to the suffering of His Son on the cross.

St. Therese took an almost childlike view of what it cost God to send us suffering, saying that He would hide His face because He could not bear to watch. I thought of something a minister said after his only son drove his car off a bridge in an apparent suicide. "When my son went off that bridge, God's was the first Heart to break."

Something to think about.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know where people get the idea that God, and particularly Jesus, are all sweet and lovey dovey. They ought to read scripture. Jesus himself was crucified! The worst possible death!


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