Monday, January 24, 2011

Part 4 - Passion of the Catholic Church - Suspicions

Part of an on-going series taken from YouTube and created by tutustuusmaterdei.


  1. Mary Christine, they are best watched in sequence together. It's a synopsis of the beauty of the liturgy pre-Vatican II, followed by the radical changes that took place, and culminating in the hope that orthodoxy and reverence are returning via younger priests today who want to right the abuses that took place (e.g. clowns, earthen vessels, women priests, etc.) by learning a more reverent form of the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The series may not appeal to everyone.

  2. This morning I watched a bunch of them in a row - and then I understood. Unfortunately, when I saw them one at a time, I thought I was just seeing the normal liturgy - clowns, glass pitchers, and all. Unfortunate, isn't it?


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