Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog Abstinence Friday

Having a blog is a wonderful thing.  I can write about anything I want and people are free to read it or ignore it.  Sometimes, it's little too much of a good thing.  I don't watch television except for sports and some news here and there. I would hope this blog offers something worthwhile, but let's face it.  The world will go on without  my drivel, like talking about my job or my menagerie of kids and/or animals.  Truth be told, I enjoy blogging just a little too much.  Maybe if I had been doing this for a few years and had hundreds of followers like the Crescat, I could complain of boredom, but I'm in a different place.  I look forward to signing on and sharing some burning thought or revelation.

In light of the horror that has made Philadelphia the epicenter of moral decay, perhaps you will join me in making this Friday a day of blog abstinence.  We will use the time we normally spend reading our favorite blogs, commenting and posting, in prayer for all the outrages committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, particularly here in the City of Brotherly Love.

What do you say?  Will you join me?  We will abstain from reading and writing on Friday, February 18th.  We will offer this small sacrifice in reparation.  Can you get the word out to other bloggers?

God Bless you


  1. Sounds good.
    And by the way, I very much enjoy your blog. It enhances my day.

  2. Thank you Julie, that's so kind of you. Let's keep each other in prayer.

  3. I can do this too- could you post a reminder on Thursday.. . if you can. Any suggestions on prayers, readings etc?

    I suggested to my husband that for Lent we need to do a couple of things every day- of course the diet and exercise thing, but I thought some joint readings might be good. I'm not used to doing that so I suggested something like the Psalms; however, maybe this would be better. You're really good at it. Any suggestions for a weekly cause and links to appropriate readings/prayers?

  4. I think it's a great idea. You can count on me to lay down the blogs on Friday.
    Prayer is much better than anything I would have to say anyways.
    I'm a lapsed Catholic your blog.

  5. Kathy, something that might be really easy is to read Morning and Evening Prayer together. You could start with one of those and see how it goes before deciding whether or not to add the other. You and your husband can alternate reading the verses, e.g. he reads the first third and fifth verses, etc you read the second fourth and sixth, etc. You can alternate doing the readings, and pray some of the prayers together, like the Our Father. You can go to a Catholic online bookstore like Leaflet Missal Company and find "Shorter Version of Christian Prayer", which is an abbreviate breviary that many lay people use. It will contain all the necessary readings and psalms. With it should come a St. Joseph's Guide which will tell you on what page to find that day's prayers, readings, etc. I'm sure if you Google Liturgy of the Hours, you can find Morning Prayer or Vespers online and you won't have to buy the books or the guide, unless you would just like to have them.

    As for a cause, you can think about someone who is in need of conversion. It can be a public figure, like perhaps a Catholic politician who supports abortion, and the two of you can pray for that person by name and perhaps do some small penance, like skip morning coffee that day or some other act of sacrifice and offer it for their intention. There are many "little ways" that could endure a penance that no one would even know about. For instance, dressing in one layer less than you're comfortable in when going out of doors, or wearing an extra sweater in the house when you're already warm. Just little things because as St. Therese said, "God does not look so much at the greatness of our acts as the love with which we do them."

    Hope that helps and yes, I'll post a reminder on Thursday.


  6. Hi Caroline, thank you very much for your kind comments. Is "Bell of the Wanderer" your blog? I confess I have not seen that one before but now that I have, I will visit often. It's beautiful!
    In Him

  7. Hi Joyce..yes, that's my blog..I've not been around long, but consider it a joy to be able to help people know the love of Jesus in our great church. Thanks for visiting.

  8. I will try too, but I will also need a I get on the computer by habit. I will dedicate those Friday prayers to the souls of the aborted. I can't pray for politicians. Most don't deserve it. (Only kidding :-P)

  9. Lovely idea Joyce! I'm in. A quiet, prayerful Friday. (I probably will post my 7 quick takes on Thursday night then, LOL. I am just getting started with that). Caroline, looking forward to checking out your blog!


Comments which reflect true Christian charity are always welcome. Comments which attack the Pope, the Church, priests or other bloggers will go in the dustbin, especially if they are anonymous. Thank you and God Bless you!