Sunday, February 20, 2011

Church Music

Over at Linen on the Hedgerow, Richard has a great piece about loyalty to Pope Benedict XVI and church music.  You simply have to see the photo of the tambourine for yourself, so pay him a visit.  Meanwhile at our parish, today was Septuagesima Sunday, which means violet vestments and altar linens, no more Glorias or Alleluias and the more solemn version of the Credo.  My daughter took a walk with me this afternoon and complained that she doesn't like this version of the creed. I told her we should never complain about anything we hear at the TLM.  At least we know we'll never have to hear On Eagles Wings.

Over at Advent Journey, Mary Christine also has a post about church music.  I laughed when she said she was "snotty" about music.  Demanding the best we have to offer Our Lord should not be viewed as snotty.

In order to assist our pastor with the numerous house calls that need to be made to sick and shut-ins each month, I remain an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, although I do not take part in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.  Normally, I make my calls once a month from the Saturday evening vigil Mass and I realized yesterday that this is the only time I'm hearing Sunday Mass in the Ordinary Form.  I have decided that if the entrance hymn is of the Gather Us In variety, I will continue to pray the Rosary rather than participate. God love our pastor.  You can never tell what he's thinking by looking at him, but I know it kills him as much as it does me that our hymn selection at the Novus Ordo leaves so much to be desired.  On the other hand, I am so grateful to have a Mass to hear at all, especially when there are Catholics in other countries who do not.  

I should be ashamed of myself for even thinking this way, let alone out loud.  But, there it is.  You see.  I, too am a church music snob.  So be it.


  1. Electric guitars and flamenco music in church? I thought there were rules as to the type of music that could be played. Anyway, my church has an organ with a choir. Very traditional.

  2. Going to Latin Mass this morning... Maybe I can stop feeling like I am being unChristian there?

  3. Be not afraid
    I go before you always
    Come, follow me..........

  4. Anonymous, thanks a lot, now I have that "hymn" rattling around in my head.


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