Monday, February 21, 2011

Jesus Driving Out The Evil Spirit

In case I haven't mentioned it yet this week, I love this movie.  I think Robert Powell was the best movie Christ ever.  Anyway, if you heard today's Gospel, or even if you didn't, this is worth a look.  Tonight at our Monday Novena, our priest talked about the Father of Lies.  Yes, possession is creepy and titillating and people are intrigued by that which scares them to death.  But the truth is, it is a far worse possession  for our souls to belong to the devil because we willingly handed them over than it is for movie effects of writhing on the floor and foaming at the mouth.

"This kind can only be driven out by prayer."

The Evil One is working overtime.  What would you do to save someone you love from his grips?  What would you do to save someone you never met?  If you're not already doing it, please pray the Rosary every day.  And if you are, think about adding the Chaplet to St. Michael.


  1. I bought this movie last week and I'm keeping it at work to watch parts of it during lunch time during Lent. I did that with Passion of the Christ last year. It really accentuated my Lenten experience. I'm hoping this movie will too. I've seen the movie, at least in parts, many times, but I don't think I've seen the whole thing through. I can't wait.

    You know that dialogue at the beginning of this clip is outside the Gospel. To be honest it doesn't strike me as being correct. Christ never implied that "the law is living like a man." Or that the law is "dead stone." I don't think the Catholic church would ever endorse that. I think I know what the author was implying, but one can read different things into that. If it's living, then where does it stop living and what changes can be further made? And the ten commandments are not dead stone for Christians. They still apply.

  2. Yes, I agree it is bothersome when things are outside of the Gospel, but I think the point is that if they blindly heed the law ( like condemning Christ for healing the sick on the Sabbath) then the law is as good as the stone it's written on, which is to say it's worthless. Don't forget that Christ told them to heed the commandments, but He also gave them two more which, if followed, encompass the 10.

  3. Yes that's where I thought the author was heading, but it makes me squeemish when he phrases it in a way that was not intended. The way it's phrased seems a little too sixties feel good

  4. I was disconcerted this morning to see that today's gospel left off the very important "and fasting." My Bible says "This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting." Mark 9:19

  5. Yes! I so love the casting in this movie.
    You know, Zefferelli instructed Robert Powell never to blink.

  6. I remember the last time you suggested the Chaplet of St.Michael! I wrote it out in my journal, annnnndd.....that was it. typical! I will add it to my daily prayers during Lent. Yes, this Lent, the one in which I am going to ask God to help me master my lack of discipline! Pray for me. I really do want to pray more and better, including the Chaplet.

  7. Julie, I did not know that. Interesting!

    MC, yes, I don't understand why fasting was left out. I know I don't do enough of it.

    Kelly, will do. Here is an incentive for those who'd like to pray the Chaplet. Did you know one of St. Michael's promises to those who are devoted to him through the chaplet is that an angel from each of the 9 choirs will accompany you to the altar when you receive the Eucharist? Truth be told, I often forget this myself. How's that for a VIP escort?

  8. There was also some information on the internet suggesting that if you pray the Chaplet of St. Michael every day you and all of your relatives will be rescued from purgatory and delivered to Heaven! Is this true?


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