Monday, February 28, 2011

White Lies

There has been much written in the blogosphere about whether or not it's ok to lie if the motive for lying is to uncover some evil.  The case of Lila Rose and her undercover expose on Planned Parenthood  most recently comes to mind.  I don't really have a problem with this because of the greater good that may be accomplished.  For every PP staffer caught in an illegal act, there are many more who get away with that sort of thing all the time.

Truth be told, I've been known to engage in a white one myself here and there.  In fact, I told one today so that I could leave work after my honest 8 hours of work had been completed.  Since I started my new job 7 weeks ago, I have not put in less than 9 or 10 hours, 5 days a week.  I had a bad weekend and I wanted to go to confession.  The shrine a few blocks down, thank God, offers confessions Monday thru Saturday, at 11am til Noon and again at 4pm til 5pm.  I didn't want to chance getting there late because if there aren't a lot of people around, the priests lock up a little early, so I left work at 3:30 and got there for the start of confessions.  We had an extraordinarily busy day, but the entire schedule was wrapped up by the time I left. Still, I felt I had to offer some excuse to my boss, who comes in hours later than I do and forgets that when she's just getting warmed up, it's time for me to go home.   I preempted her by sending an email and telling her I had a personal matter to attend to that would require leaving at 3:30.

"I hope everything is ok", she wrote back.

"Yes, I just have something I must do that can't wait until I have a day off".

I'm not sure how you tell someone ""Actually, I  screwed up big time and I need to go make things right with the Lord."

Unfortunately, something really stupid set me off last night and caused the old me to make an appearance and say some unkind things.  I thought that person was long gone, but with right combination of a headache and a minor crisis, it didn't take long to resurrect the ugliness.   Maybe it was God's way of telling me I'm just a little too comfortable with my holiness.  Whatever it was, it gave me a well-needed  kick in the pants.

I only thank God that I have the sacrament so close to where I live.  I have gotten over the scrupulosity of feeling the need to go every few days, but there are still times when even venial sins can weigh us down and it's good to relieve ourselves of the weight they exert on us.  I was brief, I was blunt, and I was gone.  Not a bad way to cap off a Monday.


  1. I don't think you lied. It was a personal matter that couldn't wait and you fulfilled your hourly obligation.

  2. Good for you Sister! We still carry that old man around with us, and he(okay, I guess in this case we can say she) surfaces now and again, just to remind us and humble us. But you did right.

  3. Yikes, no one can live in the material world without white lies. If I had to be painted with all the white lies I tell, I would be whiter than vanila ice cream. ;) I'm sure I tell white lies every day, especially at work. White lies make daily living possible without conflict. We would be at each other's throats if we didn't tell them.

    Thank God for confession. I should include them in my list of confessible offenses. I guess i will have to from now on.

    I have no problem in using lies to catch criminal behavior. Lila Rose is a hero.

  4. I don't think you lied either...Our humanity is so fragile...but look how quick you were to run to Him..That's true humility.
    I'm so glad I somehow fell onto your site.

  5. Well, I think my faithful readers need a good laugh, and also, to realize what a fool the author of this blog can be. My behavior was on the brink all weekend, but here is what caused me to go over the edge last night. It's so ridiculous I can't even believe I'm repeating it, but here goes.

    I instructed my son, who last bathed in 1492, to get in the shower last night, OR ELSE! I had just washed my hair and had it wrapped in a towel to dry a bit before attempting to "style" it (not something I do very well to begin with) so I took what I needed from the bathroom so my son could decontaminate himself in peace. Then I went down to the dryer to take out my lab coat and other things I needed for work. The dear boy has OCD, and upon seeing my hairbrush, etc. in the hallway, he decided to return them to their rightful place in the bathroom before locking the door to take his shower. Now, while I admire his modesty in wanting to keep intruders out, it's sometimes not practical for him to lock the door, because part of his OCD means that he takes a shower for about 30 minutes. No exaggeration! Anyway, since my hair brush was now locked in the bathroom, I used a roll brush that my oldest daughter left behind when she moved. Let me tell you, this thing was the hair brush from hell. I rolled a lock of hair around it, and then I could not get it to budge. It was STUCK in my hair. I tried for about five minutes to extricate my locks from this thing, and then hysterical, I called Rebecca to come help me. She couldn't do a thing. My husband heard the commotion and came downstairs (after having already fallen asleep) and spent the next two hours trying to free me from this contraption of torture. I had a terrible headache to begin with and had intended to get to bed by 9:30. It was 11:30 before I was finally free. I had Rebecca call Caitlin to see if this had ever happened to her, and she said she had never used the thing, but had picked it up while she was in Peru. I know it was all Rebecca could do not to laugh at me. I could hear Caitlin laughing over the phone. Let me tell you, after two hours of having the hard bristles dig into my scalp, I could only begin to imagine what Our Dear Lord went through with that crown of thorns.

    Anyway, when I finally got loose and realized how late it was, I threatened my poor son with all kinds of violence if he ever decided to take my stuff and lock it in the bathroom with him again. To his credit, he said nothing, tho today at dinner, he asked how I could possibly have managed to do such a thing. I asked him why he feels compelled to lock the door when no one had any intention of barging in on him. "Apparently you did" was all he said. Wisenhimer!

  6. LOLOLOL! (I can laugh now because it's over). I did get one of those tangled in my hair, some years ago. ouch. But hey-kudos to Jim Roman for getting out of bed to do the hairbrush-ectomy!

  7. Yes, Kelly, bless his heart. While he was trying to rescue my hair, I told Rebecca I thought his efforts were a pretty good indication of how much he loves me, especially since his tendonitis was acting up.


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