Sunday, February 20, 2011

Philadelphia's Catholic District Attorney

Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams has been at the forefront of two earth-shattering investigations which have placed Philadelphia in the national spotlight these past few weeks.  He's also a practicing Catholic who is deeply involved in his church and in the archdiocese of Philadelphia.  You can read about him here.  Don't be mislead by the stupid MSM headline.  Unlike our last DA, Seth Williams did something other than turn a blind eye to Kermitt Gosnell's chamber of horrors.  Take a look at the article I linked to above in today's Inquirer and see that it is possible to be a Democrat and a good Catholic at the same time.

You might want to skip the rest of the stuff on the Church in today's Inquirer.   I hate it when people  use a scandal and a human tragedy as an opening to advance an agenda.

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